New MakerBot experimental extruder


Designed for the Advanced User who wants to push the limits of what’s possible on MakerBot 3D Printers

The MakerBot Labs Experimental Extruder is a swappable extruder designed for the advanced user who wants to push the limits of what is possible on their MakerBot 3D Printer. It is compatible with all MakerBot 3D Printers 5th Generation and newer.

What are the key benefits of the new experimental extruder? 

Creative Flexibility with a Range of Materials
Push the boundaries of MakerBot 3D Printing with interchangeable nozzles, custom material print modes, and unlocked advanced print settings.

Freedom to Switch from Production to Sandbox
Quickly switch from the reliability of the Smart Extruder+ to the Experimental Extruder to test the limits of your ideas.

Drafting for Speed
Print existing PLA materials with the included large diameter draft nozzles and dramatically reduce total print time by up to 75%.

Designed to be hacked
With a modified thermal core and a more secure thermal barrier tube, the Experimental Extruder was redesigned to make changing nozzles easy.

MakerBot Labs Thingiverse Community + Resources
A community of creators and experimenters. Post a question to the Thingiverse community, find tips & tricks, and discover custom print modes as you push the limits of your Experimental Extruder. Visit at


Who is the new experimental extruder designed for?

Advanced users who have significant experience using 3D printers and want the option to experiment in a less controlled, sandbox-like environment (specifically with Draft printing or a 3rd party filament). 

Educators (High School and Higher Ed)
Specifically teachers who are advanced in 3D printing, have been using 3D printers for multiple years, and want to occasionally try new things within their lab. They don’t mind taking risks and committing time to the experience. 

Other Advanced 3D Printing Users
(Creators, Experimenters, Hardware Hackers, Artists, etc.)

MakerBot experimental Extruder is part of MakerBot Labs:

MakerBot Labs is an experimental platform for advanced 3D printing users. It was born out of feedback from customers looking to tap their innovative spirit and expand their 3D printing experience. MakerBot Labs is at it’s heart a community of creators and experimenters empowered by experimental hardware from MakerBot and a platform for sharing custom settings and mods, collaborating, and gaining knowledge.


What are the components of MakerBot Labs? 

Modifiable Hardware (Experimental Extruder) 
Designed for the advanced user looking to push the limits of what's possible with MakerBot 3D printers. Customize your 3D printing experience with a modifiable hardware design including interchangeable nozzles. 

Custom Material Print Modes 
Unlock advanced print settings with the Experimental Extruder and other MakerBot Labs hardware. Once you’ve found the settings that work best for your chosen material, save a custom Material Print Mode and share it with the MakerBot Labs Community on Thingiverse. 

MakerBot Labs APIs 
Get under the hood of MakerBot hardware and software. Developers can access documentation about APIs and collaborate with other developers to interface with and expand the capabilities of MakerBot 3D Printers. 

MakerBot Labs Community 
Browse, collaborate, discuss, and download. MakerBot Labs on Thingiverse is the community for discussing Material Print Modes, software APIs, and hardware mods. Visit at 



Comparison of MakerBot Swappable Extruders

  Smart Extruder+ Touch PLA Extruder Experimental Extruder
Material use MakerBot PLA for everyday use MakerBot Tough PLA for durable prototypes and end-use parts Experiment with new materials
Key selling point High reliability High reliability Made for experimentation and draft printing
Tool life warranty 6-month warranty 6-month warranty No warranty
Buying options Ships with all printers and covered with optional MakerCare Sold separately with Tough PLA bundle Sold separately
Miscellaneous     Includes 4 interchangeable nozzles and 2 wrenches

**Always be upfront with your customer about the risks:

• This product is community supported and not covered under MakerCare, MakerBot Support, or warranty. 
• Expect a more hands-on experience that may include a significant time investment (trial and error). 
• Different materials print at different levels of difficulty. Consult the MakerBot Labs community for tips from the community to achieve best results.

Source: MakerBot

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